Sabrina Zahra Aulia's

i solemnly swear that i am up to no good.

if your name are artemis, so this is for you.

By 1:47 AM

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Dear Artemis,
I want to write a letter about "why are you my bestfriend" but i can't because the only reason it's you just being you. Oh yes first i want to thanks to myself for asking you "boleh duduk sini gak, anak vilority yang lain udah penuh" and that is the beginning of our friendship am i right? Ibarat girlband berarti kita udah debut 5 taun ya ((harusnya 6 tahun kan kenapa kita kelas 7 gak deket)).

I know you're not good at words, but it doesnt matter. I know you can't be like kind of unyu friend. Tapi gue ga butuh itu. Gue gapapa lo ga pernah ngasih gue surprise kayak temen temen gue lakuin. Gue gapapa kita jarang jalan bareng nonton bareng atau gue gak pernah nginep di rumah lo. Gapapa kita bakal jauh jauhan kalo emang nanti lo di nangor gue di jakarta. Gapapa. But i just want to you know that you treat me better than anyone else treat me kok. And you know me better than i know myself, you treat me better than i treat my self. So many times i have to remind myself how lucky i am to have you as my partner. Everything is better when you're around. Thank you for loving me so much yep ((you love me right???? I know u do)). Thank you for always bringing out the best in me, and for being there for me through thick and thin.

Wow we are collage now!!! Congratulation baby, you got what you want! Yha walau yang di pengen di ui tapi tetap dokter kan? Ha gue sangat berharap kita bedua lulus simak lalu kita jakun bareng. Sangat berharap:(. Aamiin!!!! I am very proud of you, and I'm incredibly honored and blessed to be yours. Nangor jauh dari jakarta. I hate the fact that you'll be miles miles away from me. Cepet cari cowo disana, yang baik, biar gue gausah khawatir lo jauh jauh. If someone try to hurt you just call me okay??? Oh i know you will do that. Jangan bikin khawatir pokoknya. Iya awal sma gue khawatir bgt pisah sekolah sama lo gatau padahal apa yang di khawatirin wkwkwk lebay ya gue:( akh pokoknya aku tau kok kamu selalu melakukan apa yang kamu mau dan apa yang bikin kamu suka! Tenang aja aku ga bakal khawatir lagi kok:") i believe in you!

I often got jealous when you had new friends and you seemed so happy, because i thought you'll leave me in the end. But you never did, nor you'll. No matter to where you run, you'll end up seeking me out. It feels amazing, having someone rely heavily on you, it makes me more than happy:-)

Please remember that I'll always be there for you. Whenever you need me, gue berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk ada disana. Ada sama lo. Karena gue bener bener gaakan ninggalin lo. You always have me. I know that one day you'll find a man that can protect you, be there for you, and love you better than me. But i wish you'll always remember that I'm never going to leave you anywhere. Because me, who wishes your presence every single time in my life.

Everyone deserve a bestfriend. I hope that everyone is as lucky as i am; to have a bestfriend like you.

By the way, gue sangat bersyukur lo juga suka exo, oppa oppa makin menyatukan kita, semoga kita juga bersatu sama oppa. Jadi kangen sama oppa yang di malang:( oppa zeus:( oppa hades:(

Once again, thank you for being my bestfriend (i told you last night you are more than that, and yes you are my sister from another mother, oh you can be my second mother to if you want, yes you could be my anything)

Yours, who love you unconditionally,


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